Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) is an institutional project of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research to demonstrate the application of Science and technology inputs of agricultural research and education on the farmer’s field and in the rural area with the help of multi-disciplinary team of Scientists. It is also called as a “first-line transfer of technology of extension systems” in the country .
Krishi Vigyan Kendra is an innovative science based institution which conducts On Farm T esting for technology assessment and refinement, undertakes vocational training of farmers farm women and rural youths and Front Line Demonstration to promptly demonstrate the latest agricultural technologies to the farmers as well as the extension workers. The KVK functions on the principles of collaborative participation of scientist, Subject Matter Specialist, Extension workers and farmers.
Imparting learning through “Work experience” to those who are engaged in farming, is the main purpose of the KVK. The syllabus and programme of each KVK is tailored to the felt needs of the farmers resources and potential for agricultural growth in a particular are ‘teaching by doing’ & ‘learning by doing’ are the main methods of imparting skill training.
In the present context of the agricultural development where participation of farmers and extension agencies has become imperative in the technology generation process. The mandate of K. V .K. has been widened to encompass on farm testing and front line demonstration.
The detailed mandates are as follows:
- On Farm Testing (On farmer’s field) in Crop Production, Horticulture, Livestock Production, Plant Protection, Home Science etc.
- In service T raining of field level extension officers.
Organising vocational training programmes in agriculture and allied enterprise. - Frontline demonstrations on major cereals crops, Oilseeds, Pulses and other enterprises related to agriculture.
- Work as resource and Knowledge centre of agricultural technology for supporting initiatives of Public, Private and Voluntary Sector for improving the agriculture economy of the district.