Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) has undertaken the important mandates of KVK i.e. Front Line Demonstration especially on Oilseed and Pulses. Every year KVK is implementing FLDs of different Oilseed and pulses crop viz. Moong, Soybean, Groundnut, Gram, Black gram and other improved technologies and practices. The certified seed of improved varieties are provided to the farmer. The critical inputs, which contribute in productivity of the crop viz. bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticide etc. is also provided. Before implementation the FLD soil testing and pre-seasonal training with necessary method demonstrations is conducted for the farmers.
The seed of improved variety after crop harvesting is maintained and used for next season and supplied to non-beneficiary farmers as per as the required. The horizontally and spread has been reached up to 80 percent in the adjoining villages. This figure itself proves the success of the KVK efforts in rural area.
